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Selasa, 22 Juli 2014
Camry Mobil Hybrid Terbaik Indonesia |
Asap dari kendaraan bermotor menyumbang persentase
tertinggi pencemaran udara di kota-kota besar. Sebuah penelitian yang
dilakukan oleh Pusat Litbang Jalan dan Jembatan tahun 2008 menyebutkan,
70% polusi udara disebabkan oleh asap kendaraan bermotor. Data ini diambil
enam tahun yang lalu. Logikanya, dengan semakin membludaknya kendaraan
bermotor yang berkeliaran di jalanan kita, tentunya angka 70% ini juga
semakin melambung.
Perlu adanya solusi yang efektif untuk menyikapi fakta di atas. Pasalnya, emisi gas buangan pada kendaraan bermotor baik roda dua maupun empat, berdampak langsung tidak hanya pada manusia, melainkan juga lingkungan. Udara yang semakin tidak bersih dan kebocoran lapisan ozon yang semakin lebar adalah dua dari sekian banyak efek negatif dari polusi udara.
Dengan berpijak pada fakta di atas, Toyota mencoba menawarkan terobosan dengan memproduksi mobil berteknologi hybrid, yakni All New Toyota Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia. Teknologi hybrid sendiri adalah teknologi yang berusaha meminimalisir penggunaan bahan bakar, sehingga emisi gas buang menjadi lebih rendah namun efisiensi tenaga tetap maksimal. Berbeda dengan mobil-mobil biasa yang emisi gas buangnya tinggi, mobil ini diharapkan akan ramah lingkungan dan menekan angka pencemaran.
Dengan tagline-nya “The Future Sedan” (mobil masa depan), Toyota mobil Hybrid yaitu Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia memiliki banyak keunggulan yang tidak ditemukan pada mobil konvensional biasa, antara lain:
Hemat bahan bakar
Teknologi hybrid cenderung menghemat bahan bakar pada angka 75%-80%. Menilik pada jumlah mobil sedan hybrid yang telah diproduksi Toyota, yakni sejumlah 6 juta unit, maka dapat diperkiran mobil dengan teknologi hybrid telah menghemat sebanyak 15 milyar liter bensin atau setara dengan pengurangan emisi sebesar 41 juta ton.
Kemewahan dan kepuasan berkendara
Kesan elegan dan futuristik yang ditawarkan oleh Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia memberikan citarasa kemewahan tersendiri. Desain interior dan eksterior diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan kesan berkelas dan tangguh. Fiturnya yang lux semakin menegaskan kesan “high class”. Ditambah lagi dengan sistem pengaman yang telah teruji, membuat sedan ini aman dan nyaman dikendarai dalam berbagai medan.
Ramah lingkungan
Dari asal katanya saja, hybrid atau “hibrida” berarti menggabungkan dua hal yang berbeda. Dalam konteks ini, Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia menggabungkan dua jenis sumber daya, yakni motor listrik dan mesin pembakaran internal. Sinergi dua “dunia” ini menciptakan sistem kontrol tingkat tinggi. Hasilnya, teknologi yang ramah lingkungan karena meminimalisir emisi gas buang, serta menawarkan ketenangan (mengurangi kebisingan) dan performa yang luar biasa. Mengendarai mobil ini berarti ikut berkontribusi pada usaha pelestarian alam.
Berbicara tentang fitur, Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia benar-benar terdepan di kelasnya. Camry Hybrid diperkuat dengan mesin 2.500 cc DOHC 4 silinder VVT CVT dan dipadukan dengan teknologi elektrik Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD), yakni teknologi yang memungkinkan mobil berjalan hanya dengan tenaga listrik saja. Harga yang ditawarkan pun relatif terjangkau jika dilihat dari kemewahan, kenyamanan dan keramahan yang ditawarkan. Tidak salah jika mobil ini disebut Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia.
Perlu adanya solusi yang efektif untuk menyikapi fakta di atas. Pasalnya, emisi gas buangan pada kendaraan bermotor baik roda dua maupun empat, berdampak langsung tidak hanya pada manusia, melainkan juga lingkungan. Udara yang semakin tidak bersih dan kebocoran lapisan ozon yang semakin lebar adalah dua dari sekian banyak efek negatif dari polusi udara.
Camry Mobil Hybrid Terbaik Indonesia |
Dengan berpijak pada fakta di atas, Toyota mencoba menawarkan terobosan dengan memproduksi mobil berteknologi hybrid, yakni All New Toyota Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia. Teknologi hybrid sendiri adalah teknologi yang berusaha meminimalisir penggunaan bahan bakar, sehingga emisi gas buang menjadi lebih rendah namun efisiensi tenaga tetap maksimal. Berbeda dengan mobil-mobil biasa yang emisi gas buangnya tinggi, mobil ini diharapkan akan ramah lingkungan dan menekan angka pencemaran.
Dengan tagline-nya “The Future Sedan” (mobil masa depan), Toyota mobil Hybrid yaitu Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia memiliki banyak keunggulan yang tidak ditemukan pada mobil konvensional biasa, antara lain:
Hemat bahan bakar
Teknologi hybrid cenderung menghemat bahan bakar pada angka 75%-80%. Menilik pada jumlah mobil sedan hybrid yang telah diproduksi Toyota, yakni sejumlah 6 juta unit, maka dapat diperkiran mobil dengan teknologi hybrid telah menghemat sebanyak 15 milyar liter bensin atau setara dengan pengurangan emisi sebesar 41 juta ton.
Kemewahan dan kepuasan berkendara
Camry Mobil Hybrid Terbaik Indonesia |
Kesan elegan dan futuristik yang ditawarkan oleh Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia memberikan citarasa kemewahan tersendiri. Desain interior dan eksterior diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan kesan berkelas dan tangguh. Fiturnya yang lux semakin menegaskan kesan “high class”. Ditambah lagi dengan sistem pengaman yang telah teruji, membuat sedan ini aman dan nyaman dikendarai dalam berbagai medan.
Ramah lingkungan
Dari asal katanya saja, hybrid atau “hibrida” berarti menggabungkan dua hal yang berbeda. Dalam konteks ini, Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia menggabungkan dua jenis sumber daya, yakni motor listrik dan mesin pembakaran internal. Sinergi dua “dunia” ini menciptakan sistem kontrol tingkat tinggi. Hasilnya, teknologi yang ramah lingkungan karena meminimalisir emisi gas buang, serta menawarkan ketenangan (mengurangi kebisingan) dan performa yang luar biasa. Mengendarai mobil ini berarti ikut berkontribusi pada usaha pelestarian alam.
Berbicara tentang fitur, Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia benar-benar terdepan di kelasnya. Camry Hybrid diperkuat dengan mesin 2.500 cc DOHC 4 silinder VVT CVT dan dipadukan dengan teknologi elektrik Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD), yakni teknologi yang memungkinkan mobil berjalan hanya dengan tenaga listrik saja. Harga yang ditawarkan pun relatif terjangkau jika dilihat dari kemewahan, kenyamanan dan keramahan yang ditawarkan. Tidak salah jika mobil ini disebut Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia.
Saat ini Camry mobil hybrid terbaik Indonesia memiliki tiga varian,
yakni 2.5 HV (Hybrid Vehicle), 2.5 V, dan 2.5 G. Pengguna dapat memilih
tujuh warna yang disediakan yakni White pearl, Medium silver metallic,
Dark grey metallic, Silver metallic, Beige metallic, True Blue, dan
Attitude black mica.
Singgasana Hotels & Resorts pilihan akomodasi terbaik di Indonesia |
Have you ever imagined getting very satisfactory service like a king on a throne with all the convenient facilities and fun? maybe you will think many times to get it and regard as impossible, but apparently this does not apply in the Throne Hotel & Resort, you can prove it by trying various facilities provided Throne Hotels & Resort. As penenyedia hotels, residences, golf courses, and a first-class international convention center in Indonesia is unlikely to play in terms of customer service, making the Throne Hotels & Resorts the best accommodation choice in Indonesia .
Throne word that carried the name truly reflects the quality and service excellence, luxurious, and exclusive yet friendly and impressive. If you are a businessman who put tersediannya business activity support facilities, so from now on you are able to direct booking, we provide facilities sepesial to you. Throne Hotels & Resort has brought The Sultan Hotel and Residence Jakarta is located in Jakarta, the full info please refer to the following information:
The Sultan Hotel and Residence Jakarta
The Sultan Hotel and Residence is a hotel in Jakarta, which has a variety of characteristics that are not possessed by a similar service elsewhere, here you comfort as businesses are concerned with the existence of a special meeting room that is equipped with presentation equipment, supported by soft furniture and facilities Another Meeting Room makes it look so professional. Available for your Business Center Facilities, Children's Playground, and Shopping Arcade. Please follow the official Twitter for information updates.
Ayodya Resort Bali
Throne Hotels & Resorts the best accommodation choice in Indonesia |
Besides in Jakarta, Throne Hotels & Resort also opened a five-star hotel accommodation located in Nusa Dua, Bali. As evidence of the quality of this hotel, you can see it on the award TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence which obtained this hotel in 2013.
Throne Hotel in Surabaya and Makassar
Throne Hotels & Resorts the best accommodation choice in Indonesia |
Throne Hotels & Resorts the best accommodation choice in Indonesia |
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Yamaha R15 dan Yamaha R25 Motor Sport Racing dan Kencang |
Yamaha R15 and R25 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Fast - Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15 has now become a mainstay of users of motor sport in Indonesia. Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15 managed to show that there is no excess duannya.Yamaha Yamaha R25 and R15 are the pioneers of the revival of motor sport market in Indonesia. The motor sport maniac Indonesia increasingly fond of both the Yamaha product. Caucasian people say "Revs the Engines - Hear it roars - Feel the Power!" .
For decades the Yamaha engineers carefully and accurately do so was born the forging of products that carry the label "Yamaha R15 and R25 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Fast", not only the experience and passion but also test and mengakulasi years of International racing in the world. If all this time you just use a regular vehicle, from now on you will feel the sensation up outside the circuit by attempting to put on a Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15.
3 colors sepesial of Yamaha YZF-R25 is Diablo Red, Racing Blue, and Black Predator, and of course you are free to choose whatever you like.
Yamaha R25 engine "Superior Engine -Worldwide Class Quality" Yamaha R25 engine is the engine gress successor generation of the R-series Specifications Yamaha 250 cc, 2inline, cylinders, DOHC, 8 Volves, liquid-cooled, fuel injection, cylinder DiaASil & Forged Piston, combined with a lightweight body design and perfect center of gravity, thus providing power to weight as well as the results of the best handling in its class.
Yamaha R25 and R15 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Quick so called because Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15 Have a maximum power until the power is definitely 37PS@12.000rpm 250cc Superbike with performance superior value. This is evident since the presence of the Yamaha YZF-R25 condition pasarmotor full-fairing sport bike engined 250 cc in Indonesia, which is now characterized by the Kawasaki Ninja 250 and Honda CBR250R was shaky, the article Yamaha Indonesia was no longer hide and claimed that 250 cc bike is Yamaha R25 , has power over the Ninja and CBR250R.
Design Multi Layer
Yamaha R25 Yamaha R25 is dominated by desin erodinamis futuristic and also high, so the design of a full fairing on Yamaha R25 looks sweet. The design of the design is not without reason, but are intended to provide a path to wasted heat engine smoothly. The design seems optimal for multi-layer barrier of air friction can be released simultaneously with the heat flow machine.
The braking system is more accurate and grip as it is equipped with a floating disc brakes and 298 mm caliber 2 port (floating front disc braker and biggest tube front suspension). It is more inert solid supported suspension tube measuring 41 mm in the front, resulting in a steady and stable handeling. Yamaha R25
Predator Dual Head Light -
Indonesia's First Performance headlamps are more aggressive with a unique angle and maximum illumination, bright, sharp, and focused. The design of the front lights are a sort of center air duct is not just to make it look elegant, but serves to aid cooling air to enter at the rear fairing. R25 look impressed difficult to identify (elusive) of both dual lamp spotlight. Part mica lamp a little hidden, create another impression when viewed from different angles. From the top, just looks a little light eye, causing a sense of mystery. But when viewed from the front, the charm R25 looks fierce and stout with sharp highlight to spread the threat.
Supersport Speedometer
Designed multifunction speedometer design and complete, available Gear Shift Indicator Lamp to determine the position of the gear tooth at the time will do the gearshift adjusted for optimum speed. The speedometer indicator directly shows how the average fuel consumption in real time, as can be found in smart cars today. Oil change warning light will turn on automatically every 5000 miles once. In fact, the speedometers also reminds the user if the motor was time to enter the service. The above features are very helpful to users, including those who are often forgotten or neglected when it's time for service. However, it is less able to be applied in the city of Jakarta.
Oil consumption is often not in accordance with the numbers listed on the speedometer. In bad conditions, for example. Figures shown in the speedometer of 3,000 km, but in practice is much greater than that because the engine continues to burn while not moving instructions kilometers. Actually, the user can manually adjust itself when the speedometer will remind time downloading service, not to be 5,000 km. This is because the use of different field with a nominal indicated by the speedometer. In fact, according to the Tri Yuswidjajanto of the Laboratory of Motor Fuel and Propulsion Systems Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), if the user is using oil from the factory, say at 4,000 miles, the actual amount of oil that has been used is 4000 + 1500 = 5500 km. Figures 1500 miles comes from the amount of oil that has gone through life.
Asymmetrical Arm & Twin Tube Rear Suspension Rear by KYB
Swing arm (rear arm) with robust materials and asymmetric able to provide more stable control, stable handling when cornering at high speed. Mid Ship Sporty Muffler tapilan dashing and sporty sound supersport generate strong character. Modestly front body, rear body and rising, and the rider seat height is only 800 mm. In addition to the people of Indonesia are very beneficial, as this body will give the driver a sensation like riding a MotoGP motorcycle racing.
Cast Aluminum Wide Wide Wheel & Tire
Wide wheels made of aluminum alloy that is strong, lightweight and rust resistant, able to present the typical performance of a true supersport reliable.
Specifications Yamaha R25
Px Dimensions L x H: 2,090 mm x 720 mm x 1,135 mm
Wheelbase: 1,380 mm
Lowest distance to the ground: 160 mm
Seat height: 780 mm Weight content: 166 kg
Fuel tank capacity: 14.3 L Frame Type: Diamond
Suspension Front: Telescopic
Rear Suspension: Swing Arm
Tires Front: 110/70 - 17 M / C
Rear tire: 140/70 - 17 M / C
Brakes Front: hydraulic disc, dual piston
Rear brake: hydraulic disc, single piston
Engine type: 4 stroke, 8 valve DOHC liquid Cooled
Number / position of the cylinder: 2 Cylinder / Vertical
Bore x stroke: 60.0 x 44.7 mm
Compression ratio: 11.6: 1
Maximum power: 27.2 kW / 1,200 rpm
Maximum torque: 23.2 Nm / 10,000 rpm
Starter system: Electric Starter
Lubrication System: Wet Engine oil capacity: Total = 2.40 L;
Fuel System: Fuel Injection
System Type clutch: Wet, manual clutch, multipleplatform
Transmission type: 6-speed return
The pattern of transmission operation: 1-N-2-3-4-5-6
Ignition system: TCI
Battery: GT28V (MF Battery 7Ah) Type
Busi: CR 93 (Official Price NGK Yamaha R25
With maximum quality supersporty Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) membandro Yamaha R25 with a price of Rp. 53 million, on-the road to Jakarta region. This price is cheaper than the price of the Kawasaki Ninja 250R is pegged price of USD 53.7 million. adjusting for other regions and there is a little bit different. But rest assured you will not be disappointed with the quality specifications of the motor 250 CC motor sport is what makes it more unique and proud.
For more information please go to the nearest Yamaha dealer in your city. Yamaha YZF-R15 One Family R-series output from the Yamaha YZF-R15 comes so proud because the fact is well respected in the international racing arena. Yamaha YZF-R15 is a dream of many sport bike riders as we know Yamaha never play in any product issue. Inevitably in just two days just successfully sold in quantities over 1500 units even though the product Yamaha YZF-R15 can be ordered through this new pivot. Besides impressed dashing users yamaha YZF-R15 will be encouraged to always be a winner in the fight game racing world. Design Yamaha YZF-R25 Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R25 which has a weight of only 136 kg of these designs look different from other Yamaha seperbike impression is very pronounced.
Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R25 with a price tag of Rp. 28 million is apparently able to present reliable design from all sides, the R15 has a long 1,995 mm, width 660 mm, height 1,070 mm and height of 800 mm seat to the ground. As fairing, typical order mengatung (delta box), rear fender, tire tread width, the design of the headlights, and seat form a separate model. Overall R25 futuristic and dynamic design, specifically for design lamp equipped with AHO (Automatic Headlamp On). As for the other is a representation of the DNA R-Series represents a true supersport characteristic that is not behind the sharp double headlights, seats split seater (separately) with anti-skid material like a big motor upscale.
Yamaha YZF-R15 Motorcycle sporty Yamaha YZF-R15 with a capacity of 150 cc to be marketed in Indonesia is cheaper than the motor sport competitors like the Honda CBR150. YZF- sporty bike Yamaha R15 is priced at 28 million, but the Yamaha R15 is certainly not a cheap product, the Yamaha YZF-R15 has a great performance and frugal fuel consumption reaches 47.8 km with only 1 liter of petrol, would very economical for motors 150cc sport.
One of the reasons this bike has a fuel consumption is due to the economical use of fuel injection technology. And the figure is obtained by Yamaha R15 when used with a constant speed in a 65 kilometers per hour.
Similarly, a brief review of why the label carries the Yamaha R15 and R25 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Fast, hopefully this brief review can give you a reference to the miss with a touch of style Yamaha sport. Do not forget to also visit the official website of Yamaha in http://www.yamaha-motor.co.id
For decades the Yamaha engineers carefully and accurately do so was born the forging of products that carry the label "Yamaha R15 and R25 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Fast", not only the experience and passion but also test and mengakulasi years of International racing in the world. If all this time you just use a regular vehicle, from now on you will feel the sensation up outside the circuit by attempting to put on a Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15.
3 colors sepesial of Yamaha YZF-R25 is Diablo Red, Racing Blue, and Black Predator, and of course you are free to choose whatever you like.
Yamaha R25 engine "Superior Engine -Worldwide Class Quality" Yamaha R25 engine is the engine gress successor generation of the R-series Specifications Yamaha 250 cc, 2inline, cylinders, DOHC, 8 Volves, liquid-cooled, fuel injection, cylinder DiaASil & Forged Piston, combined with a lightweight body design and perfect center of gravity, thus providing power to weight as well as the results of the best handling in its class.
Yamaha R25 and R15 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Quick so called because Yamaha R25 and Yamaha R15 Have a maximum power until the power is definitely 37PS@12.000rpm 250cc Superbike with performance superior value. This is evident since the presence of the Yamaha YZF-R25 condition pasarmotor full-fairing sport bike engined 250 cc in Indonesia, which is now characterized by the Kawasaki Ninja 250 and Honda CBR250R was shaky, the article Yamaha Indonesia was no longer hide and claimed that 250 cc bike is Yamaha R25 , has power over the Ninja and CBR250R.
Design Multi Layer
Yamaha R25 Yamaha R25 is dominated by desin erodinamis futuristic and also high, so the design of a full fairing on Yamaha R25 looks sweet. The design of the design is not without reason, but are intended to provide a path to wasted heat engine smoothly. The design seems optimal for multi-layer barrier of air friction can be released simultaneously with the heat flow machine.
The braking system is more accurate and grip as it is equipped with a floating disc brakes and 298 mm caliber 2 port (floating front disc braker and biggest tube front suspension). It is more inert solid supported suspension tube measuring 41 mm in the front, resulting in a steady and stable handeling. Yamaha R25
Predator Dual Head Light -
Indonesia's First Performance headlamps are more aggressive with a unique angle and maximum illumination, bright, sharp, and focused. The design of the front lights are a sort of center air duct is not just to make it look elegant, but serves to aid cooling air to enter at the rear fairing. R25 look impressed difficult to identify (elusive) of both dual lamp spotlight. Part mica lamp a little hidden, create another impression when viewed from different angles. From the top, just looks a little light eye, causing a sense of mystery. But when viewed from the front, the charm R25 looks fierce and stout with sharp highlight to spread the threat.
Supersport Speedometer
Designed multifunction speedometer design and complete, available Gear Shift Indicator Lamp to determine the position of the gear tooth at the time will do the gearshift adjusted for optimum speed. The speedometer indicator directly shows how the average fuel consumption in real time, as can be found in smart cars today. Oil change warning light will turn on automatically every 5000 miles once. In fact, the speedometers also reminds the user if the motor was time to enter the service. The above features are very helpful to users, including those who are often forgotten or neglected when it's time for service. However, it is less able to be applied in the city of Jakarta.
Oil consumption is often not in accordance with the numbers listed on the speedometer. In bad conditions, for example. Figures shown in the speedometer of 3,000 km, but in practice is much greater than that because the engine continues to burn while not moving instructions kilometers. Actually, the user can manually adjust itself when the speedometer will remind time downloading service, not to be 5,000 km. This is because the use of different field with a nominal indicated by the speedometer. In fact, according to the Tri Yuswidjajanto of the Laboratory of Motor Fuel and Propulsion Systems Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), if the user is using oil from the factory, say at 4,000 miles, the actual amount of oil that has been used is 4000 + 1500 = 5500 km. Figures 1500 miles comes from the amount of oil that has gone through life.
Asymmetrical Arm & Twin Tube Rear Suspension Rear by KYB
Swing arm (rear arm) with robust materials and asymmetric able to provide more stable control, stable handling when cornering at high speed. Mid Ship Sporty Muffler tapilan dashing and sporty sound supersport generate strong character. Modestly front body, rear body and rising, and the rider seat height is only 800 mm. In addition to the people of Indonesia are very beneficial, as this body will give the driver a sensation like riding a MotoGP motorcycle racing.
Cast Aluminum Wide Wide Wheel & Tire
Wide wheels made of aluminum alloy that is strong, lightweight and rust resistant, able to present the typical performance of a true supersport reliable.
Specifications Yamaha R25
Px Dimensions L x H: 2,090 mm x 720 mm x 1,135 mm
Wheelbase: 1,380 mm
Lowest distance to the ground: 160 mm
Seat height: 780 mm Weight content: 166 kg
Fuel tank capacity: 14.3 L Frame Type: Diamond
Suspension Front: Telescopic
Rear Suspension: Swing Arm
Tires Front: 110/70 - 17 M / C
Rear tire: 140/70 - 17 M / C
Brakes Front: hydraulic disc, dual piston
Rear brake: hydraulic disc, single piston
Engine type: 4 stroke, 8 valve DOHC liquid Cooled
Number / position of the cylinder: 2 Cylinder / Vertical
Bore x stroke: 60.0 x 44.7 mm
Compression ratio: 11.6: 1
Maximum power: 27.2 kW / 1,200 rpm
Maximum torque: 23.2 Nm / 10,000 rpm
Starter system: Electric Starter
Lubrication System: Wet Engine oil capacity: Total = 2.40 L;
Fuel System: Fuel Injection
System Type clutch: Wet, manual clutch, multipleplatform
Transmission type: 6-speed return
The pattern of transmission operation: 1-N-2-3-4-5-6
Ignition system: TCI
Battery: GT28V (MF Battery 7Ah) Type
Busi: CR 93 (Official Price NGK Yamaha R25
With maximum quality supersporty Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) membandro Yamaha R25 with a price of Rp. 53 million, on-the road to Jakarta region. This price is cheaper than the price of the Kawasaki Ninja 250R is pegged price of USD 53.7 million. adjusting for other regions and there is a little bit different. But rest assured you will not be disappointed with the quality specifications of the motor 250 CC motor sport is what makes it more unique and proud.
For more information please go to the nearest Yamaha dealer in your city. Yamaha YZF-R15 One Family R-series output from the Yamaha YZF-R15 comes so proud because the fact is well respected in the international racing arena. Yamaha YZF-R15 is a dream of many sport bike riders as we know Yamaha never play in any product issue. Inevitably in just two days just successfully sold in quantities over 1500 units even though the product Yamaha YZF-R15 can be ordered through this new pivot. Besides impressed dashing users yamaha YZF-R15 will be encouraged to always be a winner in the fight game racing world. Design Yamaha YZF-R25 Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R25 which has a weight of only 136 kg of these designs look different from other Yamaha seperbike impression is very pronounced.
Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R25 with a price tag of Rp. 28 million is apparently able to present reliable design from all sides, the R15 has a long 1,995 mm, width 660 mm, height 1,070 mm and height of 800 mm seat to the ground. As fairing, typical order mengatung (delta box), rear fender, tire tread width, the design of the headlights, and seat form a separate model. Overall R25 futuristic and dynamic design, specifically for design lamp equipped with AHO (Automatic Headlamp On). As for the other is a representation of the DNA R-Series represents a true supersport characteristic that is not behind the sharp double headlights, seats split seater (separately) with anti-skid material like a big motor upscale.
Yamaha YZF-R15 Motorcycle sporty Yamaha YZF-R15 with a capacity of 150 cc to be marketed in Indonesia is cheaper than the motor sport competitors like the Honda CBR150. YZF- sporty bike Yamaha R15 is priced at 28 million, but the Yamaha R15 is certainly not a cheap product, the Yamaha YZF-R15 has a great performance and frugal fuel consumption reaches 47.8 km with only 1 liter of petrol, would very economical for motors 150cc sport.
One of the reasons this bike has a fuel consumption is due to the economical use of fuel injection technology. And the figure is obtained by Yamaha R15 when used with a constant speed in a 65 kilometers per hour.
Similarly, a brief review of why the label carries the Yamaha R15 and R25 Yamaha Motor Sport Racing and Fast, hopefully this brief review can give you a reference to the miss with a touch of style Yamaha sport. Do not forget to also visit the official website of Yamaha in http://www.yamaha-motor.co.id
Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014
ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik |
ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik |
Asus ZenFone 4 adalah Smartphone dengan layar 4 inci dan dilengkapi RAM berukuran 1 GB dan OS Android Jelly Bean 4.3 yang dapat di-upgrade ke Android Kitkat. Selain dengan layar 4 inci Asus juga mengeluarkan Smartphone dengan layar 5 inci dan Smartphone dengan layar 6 inci. Dengan spesifikasi kelas tinggi seperti ini, tentunya orang mengira smartphone ini akan berharga dua jutaan. Namun ternyata tidak. Produk yang dikeluarkan pada Januari 2014 ini hanya dipatok satu jutaan rupiah.
Nah, bagi Anda yang menginginkan produk ini, tak ada salahnya untuk mengintip terlebih dahulu spesifikasinya.
Spesifikasi Asus Zenfone
Desain Asus Zenfone 4 sedikit lebih tebal dibanding handphone yang lain, sekitar 11,2 mm dengan berat total 115 gram. Resolusi pada layar handphone berukuran 480x800 piksel. Dengan memori internal 4 GB, slot Micro SD hingga 32 GB, dan RAM sebesar 1 GB, handphone ini benar-benar menjadi smartphone termurah yang pernah ada di Indonesia.
Sektor grafis pada handphone ini selayaknya mendapat pujian. Dengan GPU PowerVR SGX544MP2, hampir semua konten multimedia dapat dinikmati dengan mudah melalui handphone ini. Selain itu, tidak ada lapisan IPS Display pada Zenfone 4, namun pihak Asus sudah “mempersenjatainya” dengan teknologi Corning Gorilla Glass 3 yang berfungsi sebagaimana screen guard, yakni melindungi dari goresan benda tajam.
Untuk daerah “otak” atau prosesor, Zenfone 4 menggunakan CPU Intel Atom Z2520, Dual-core 1.2 GHz. Karena diproduksi oleh Intel, maka biaya produksi dapat ditekan sehingga harga jual Zenfone 4 menjadi tidak terlalu melangit. Operating system pun sudah menggunakan Android v4.3 (Jelly Bean) yang available untuk di-upgrade ke Kitkat.
Jika Anda penggemar foto selfie, siap-siap dimanjakan dengan lensa 5MP pada kamera belakang handphone ini. Di depan, terdapat kamera VGA. Belum terdapat fasilitas LED Flash dan Autofocus, jadi pengambilan gambar pada kondisi kekurangan cahaya akan tidak maksimal. Sekalipun demikian, Asus Zenfone 4 sudah disupport jaringan HSDPA super cepat yang dapat membawa Anda berselancar ke dunia maya tanpa khawatir limit akses. Hanya satu kekurangan handphone ini, yakni kapasitas baterai yang hanya 1170 mAh (sekitar 8 jam talktime).
Berikut ini kami ringkaskan spesifikasi Asus Zenfone 4, 5 dan 6
Asus Zenfone 4
ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik |
- Dimensi : 124.4 x 61.4 x 11.2 mm
- Berat : 115 gram
- Layar : 4 inci,480 x 800 pixels
- Grafis : 16M colors
- Available Colors : Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow
- Memory Internal : 4 GB
- Slot microSD : 32 GB
- Ram : 1 GB RAM
- Internet : HSDPA, 42.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
- Konektivitas : Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot, microUSB v2.0
- OS : Android OS, v4.3 (Jelly Bean)
- CPU : Intel Atom Z2520, Dual-core 1.2 GHzGPU PowerVR SGX544MP2
- Sensor : Accelerometer, proximity
- Kamera belakang : 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels, Video
- Kamera depan : 0,3MP (VGA)
- Baterai : Li-Po 1170 mAh battery
Asus Zenfone 5
ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik |
- Dimensi : 148.2 x 72.8 x 10.34 mm (LxWxH)
- Berat : 145 g
- Layar : 5inci, HD 1280x720
- Grafis : 16M colors
- Available Colors : Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow
- Memory Internal : 8/16 GB, 1/2 GB RAM
- Slot microSD : up to 64 GB
- Ram : 2 GB RAM
- Internet : HSDPA, 42.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
- Konektivitas : Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot, microUSB v2.0
- OS : Android OS, v4.3 (Jelly Bean)
- CPU : Intel Atom Z2520, Dual-core 1.2 GHzGPU PowerVR SGX544MP2
- Sensor : Accelerometer, proximity
- Kamera belakang : Front 2 Mega-Pixel
Rear 8 Mega-Pixel, Auto Focus, F2.0 Aperture, PixelMaster
5 -element lens - Baterai : 2110 mAh Lithium
Asus Zenfone 6
Spesifikasi Asus Zenfone 6 :
Network : GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900, HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
Layar : Touch Screen, 16M Colors
Ukuran : 720 x 1280 pixels, 6.0 inches (~245 ppi pixel density)
Dimensi: 200 g
Memory Internal : 8 GB Atau 16 GB, 1 GB Atau 2 GB RAM
Eksternal : Up To 32 GB
Bluetooth:: v4.0 With A2DP, EDR
USB/Port : MicroUSB v2.0
Kamera : 13 MP, 4128 x 3096 pixels, Autofocus, LED Flash Sekunder,2 MP
Video Record : ya
Baterai: Li-Po 3230 mAh
OS : Android OS, v4.3 (Jelly Bean), Upgradable To v4.4.2 (KitKat)
CPU :Dual-core 2 GHz
Browser :HTML,GPS,With A-GPS Support
Messaging : SMS(Threaded View), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
Fitur Tambahan: Java
Via Java MIDP Emulator, SNS Integration, Organizer, Document Viewer,
Photo Viewer / Editor, Voice Memo / Dial, Predictive Text Input
Fitur Lain :
- Video Player
- MP4 / H.264 / H.263 Player
- MP3 Player
- MP3 / WAV / eAAC+ Player
Harga Asus Zenfone 4
Sebagaimana telah disinggung di awal, harga yang dibanderol untuk Asus Zenfone 4 hanya berkisar di seputaran angka 1 jutaan. Menurut dealer resmi Asus, harga resmi Asus Zanfone 4 baru adalah Rp 1.099.000. Namun di beberapa tempat, tentu saja harganya bisa berbeda-beda. Sedangkan untuk harga Asus Zenfone 4 bekas diperkirakan antara Rp 750.000 hingga Rp 800.000, tergantung kondisi saat dijual. Harga ini termasuk sangat murah untuk ukuran handphone yang ber-CPU-kan Intel Atom yang berkualitas sekelas CPU Quad Core. Harga ini juga lebih rendah disbanding Asus Zenfone 5 yang ber-budget dua jutaan.
Harga baru : Rp 1.099.000 (dealer resmi Asus)
Harga bekas : Rp 800.000 (tergantung kondisi barang)
Asus Zenfone 4 memang memiliki kelemahan di baterai, namun mengingat spesifikasi tinggi yang dimilikinya, seharusnya ini tidak menjadi persoalan. Harga yang sangat murah juga menguntungkan bagi pengguna yang berbudget minim namun ingin tetap eksis menggunakan smartphone.
Dengan desain dan performa terbaik di kelasnya, fitur lengkap, dan harga yang terjangkau, menjadikan ASUS ZenFone smartphone Android terbaik saat ini.
Rabu, 02 Juli 2014
Harga Handphone Terbaru |
Banyak sekali faktor yang
mempengaruhi harga handphone,
berikut ini salah
satu faktor yang mempengaruhi
harga handphone Dari sudut
pandang Sistem
Operasi yang dibenamkan pada
Handphone itu sendiri. Simak
berikut ini :
Keberhasilan Google mengusung
software sistem operasi berbasis
linux "
Android" menjadi sistem operasi
yang dinamis dan fleksibel
Vendor-vendor kelas atas maupun
menengah berlomba-lomba
meluncurkan Gadget
dengan harga terjangkau
untuk saat ini harga handphone android benar-benar berfariasi dan boleh dibilang relative lebih murah dibanding beberapa dekade yang lalu, bahkan anda sudah bisa membawa Hndphone android baru hanya dengan merogoh kocek beberapa ratus ribu rupiah. Namun demikian berhati-hati dalam berbelanja barang elektronik seperti handphone tentu akan banyak memberikan manfaat, jangan sampai hanya karena tergiur dengan harga murah namun harus menyesal dikemudian hari hanya karena mendapatkan barang yang dibeli tidak seperti yang diharapkan. dan alhasil kekecewaan saja yang didapat, pepatah lama mengatakan "Ada harga, Ada rupa" artinya harga itu sendirilah yang menilai seberapa kualitas barang.
Berikut ini sedikit ulasan salah satu handphone dengan bandrol harga murah namun memiliki kualitas di atas rata-rata dan tentunya sudah melalui serangkaian uji coba ataupun kesaksian dari pemakainya. Sampai saat ini ternyata handphone dengan merk Samsung ternyata berhasil menduduki TOP level untuk Handphone dengan kualitas Oke namun dengan harga terjangkau di bawah 1 juta.
Bagaimana menurut anda?
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untuk saat ini harga handphone android benar-benar berfariasi dan boleh dibilang relative lebih murah dibanding beberapa dekade yang lalu, bahkan anda sudah bisa membawa Hndphone android baru hanya dengan merogoh kocek beberapa ratus ribu rupiah. Namun demikian berhati-hati dalam berbelanja barang elektronik seperti handphone tentu akan banyak memberikan manfaat, jangan sampai hanya karena tergiur dengan harga murah namun harus menyesal dikemudian hari hanya karena mendapatkan barang yang dibeli tidak seperti yang diharapkan. dan alhasil kekecewaan saja yang didapat, pepatah lama mengatakan "Ada harga, Ada rupa" artinya harga itu sendirilah yang menilai seberapa kualitas barang.
Berikut ini sedikit ulasan salah satu handphone dengan bandrol harga murah namun memiliki kualitas di atas rata-rata dan tentunya sudah melalui serangkaian uji coba ataupun kesaksian dari pemakainya. Sampai saat ini ternyata handphone dengan merk Samsung ternyata berhasil menduduki TOP level untuk Handphone dengan kualitas Oke namun dengan harga terjangkau di bawah 1 juta.
Bagaimana menurut anda?
Selasa, 01 Juli 2014
Smartphone Android Terbaik Termurah Tahun 2014 |
Android adalah sistem operasi pada handphone yang boleh dibilang paling canggih dan user friendly. Berbagai fitur dan game dengan mudah dapat di-download gratis melalui aplikasi ini, sehingga Android menjadi sistem operasi yang paling diburu. Untuk sementara, handphone yang support dengan aplikasi Android hanya ponsel pintar yang berspesifikasi tinggi (smartphone).
Banyak sekali merk smartphone yang dilengkapi Android, namun banyak juga yang kurang sempurna alias banyak kekurangan pada sistem aplikasinya. Pada beberapa yang lain, Android dapat diterapkan dengan sempurna dan dilengkapi dengan fitur upgrade. Handphone seperti ini boleh disebut sebagai Smartphone android terbaik .
Berikut ini daftar smartphone Android yang layak Anda ketahui:
1. Smartphone Android Lenovo A516
Spesifikasi tinggi dengan CPU Dual Core berkekuatan 1.3 GHz dan fitur-fitur canggih terbaru, menjadikan Lenovo A516 layak disebut sebagai smartphone android terbaik.
2. Smartphone Android Smartfren
Andromax I2 HP ini dilengkapi dengan Ram berukuran 1 GB dan CPU Quad Core dengan kecepatan 1.2 Ghz, serta kamera 5 MP dan 1.3 MP.
2. Smartphone Android Mito Fantasy Pocket
Hanya dijual satu juta lebih sedikit, smartphone ini sudah disupport dengan CPU Quad Core dengan kecepatan 1.2 Ghz.
3. Asus ZenFone 4
4. Smartphone Android LG Optimus L4 II Dual
Di kelas low entry, LG tidak mau kalah dengan membekali Optimus L4 dengan OS Jelly Bean 4.2 yang di dalamnya sudah di letakan Chipset MT6575, 1 GHz Cortex-A9 dan Ram 1 GB.
Demikian daftar smartphone android terbaik termurah tahun 2014. Semoga bermanfaat.
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Banyak sekali merk smartphone yang dilengkapi Android, namun banyak juga yang kurang sempurna alias banyak kekurangan pada sistem aplikasinya. Pada beberapa yang lain, Android dapat diterapkan dengan sempurna dan dilengkapi dengan fitur upgrade. Handphone seperti ini boleh disebut sebagai Smartphone android terbaik .
Berikut ini daftar smartphone Android yang layak Anda ketahui:
1. Smartphone Android Lenovo A516
Spesifikasi tinggi dengan CPU Dual Core berkekuatan 1.3 GHz dan fitur-fitur canggih terbaru, menjadikan Lenovo A516 layak disebut sebagai smartphone android terbaik.
2. Smartphone Android Smartfren
Andromax I2 HP ini dilengkapi dengan Ram berukuran 1 GB dan CPU Quad Core dengan kecepatan 1.2 Ghz, serta kamera 5 MP dan 1.3 MP.
2. Smartphone Android Mito Fantasy Pocket
Hanya dijual satu juta lebih sedikit, smartphone ini sudah disupport dengan CPU Quad Core dengan kecepatan 1.2 Ghz.
3. Asus ZenFone 4
Sekalipun kurang bagus di baterai, namun Asus Zenfone 4 adalah smartphone android dengan spesifikasi tinggi yang termurah di Indonesia. Dilengkapi dengan Android Jellybean dan dapat diupgrade ke Kitkat.
4. Smartphone Android LG Optimus L4 II Dual
Di kelas low entry, LG tidak mau kalah dengan membekali Optimus L4 dengan OS Jelly Bean 4.2 yang di dalamnya sudah di letakan Chipset MT6575, 1 GHz Cortex-A9 dan Ram 1 GB.
Demikian daftar smartphone android terbaik termurah tahun 2014. Semoga bermanfaat.
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